Thursday, November 12, 2009

i have cat like speed reflexes

today i went out with the med van. we were just driving along when Lucy, who was sitting across from me, said, holy! look at the window! i turned around and saw the window had been bumped out of place and looked like it was going to fall out. i didn't even have time to think to tell the driver to pull over. and then bam! we hit a bump and the window was gone!! but that's not all, the next thing i knew my arm was out side of the van holding the window up by its rubber frame! I WAS SUPER HUMAN!! i don't even know how i did that! there wasn't even time to think "catch it" i just did. then we stopped the other window looked like it was going to fall so we just pulled it out.

and also the other day i got to ride on top of the van threw totannovel village. it was lots of fun. you just have to watch out for wires hanging across the road, they'll getcha!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Attention fellow bloggers. i would like all of you to be aware of this past week i have just had. Monday: rain and a little bit more rain. Tuesday: rain. some more rain, and on the drive into town we ran clean over a cat! but the good news is it was totally fine i think it liked it! then on the way home on that very trip we ran over a snake! we did kill that. Jaycumar made sure by backing over it and then running it over again. and then backing over it a 2nd time and then running over it a 3rd time. Wednesday: Rain. and then Ravithi, one of the first grade girls, had a seizure. right it front of me! but since she wasn't shaking or anything, she just had her head turned to the side and all of her muscles where tight and not responsive, know body knew what was going on, but guess what i did! so i helped her. Thursday: little bit more rain. I substituted first grade. in the morning i was given a lesson plan but in the afternoon it was all improv. i sent six kids to the principals office. and nobody climbed the windows. Friday: tutored all day then told Nicole in extensive detail about how shewolf has changed my life and didn't listen to a word i was saying! some friend she is. oh yeah and lots of rain. Saturday: went shopping a got a gang load of Saree's. then Lucy and i practiced our new dance moves. and it rained all day again.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Indian wedding

The other day was my friend Swathy's wedding. the ceremony part was all in Tamil so I'm not sure what was really going on but an Indian reception consists of the bride and the groom standing at the front of the room posing for a picture with everyone handing over a gift. So this one guy got up to talk about the groom and he was a really soft talker so i was the only one who heard that Swathy's husband IS A SNAKE CHARMER!! and now no one believes me. but that man said it!! So now i just have to wait for Swathy to get back so she can tell everyone that he is a legit snake catcher a charmer. and because of that i totally approve of him.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

It got crazy at the ashram!

For those of you unfamiliar with ashrams let me give you the break down. a commune of gurus that live to chant and meditate and have a peaceful, simple way of life, basically. the ashram Nicole and i stayed at was started by Gandhi in about the 30's in a little town in the center of Indian called Sevigram. the first night wasn't that bad except for the beds we had to sleep on where actually wooden tables with questionably stained blankets. one of the jobs at the ashram was the "bell ringer" the job included ringing the bell every hour, even at night. i dont really see how this is good for anyone. it would really blow to have that job. anyways back to my story our first job was to pick all the pieces of dirt out of the wheat so we wouldn't have dirt in our japotty. every meal we would sit on the ground right across from this old guru, i don't remember his Indian name but the English translation was Prince. he was pretty awesome. so this one night we went to the evening chant where i got bit on the back of my thighs 54 times by mosquitos, i know because i counted, and if i didn't have malaria before i sure do now! then after that Nicole went into our bathroom and finds a rat the size of a small dog just playing in the squaddie. oh I'm getting a head of myself, we our already knew there was some kind of creature living with us because it eat half my banana and stole my freakin head band with my seeds in it. so that night Nicole was certain that the rat was after her because she could hear it climbing up the leg of her bed. so she yells to me, wakes me up, and then teleports over on to my bed where we make a little tent with our Blanket's -keep in mind the "wooden table" is only three feet wide- so trying to sleep wail listening to the rats run around was impossible. but the last straw came when Nicole felt one of the rats nuzzled her back! and we really wanted to turn on the light but it was on the other side of the room and we didn't want to step on any rats. so we yelled really loud and stomped our feet as we both slowly made our way over to the light. then we pushed our beds together put up the bug nets. then we tried to sleep, with the light on my switch blade under my pillow (PS i do have a switch blade got it in mumbai from a street vendor) this all was going down until about 3 am so we didn't get a lot of sleep before we had to get up at 4 30 to chant and pray. then i had to pick up every single little leaf out of the gravel around Candi's hut. i think ill get those guys a leaf blower for Christmas. wait it gets better. after breakfast we go and work in the garden until Nicole and i went into town to get our train tickets. but because of Diwali (an Indian festival) all the tickets where sold out so we had to get one for later that day. then back at the ashram after lunch our last task was to help harvest he gurus marijuana by picking all the leaves off the stems. that was fun. ( i saved saved a few leaves and dried then out in my book for a souvenir) ha ha. then we packed up and busted out of there!

Monday, October 12, 2009

so I'm back packing all over India right now. I left from Chennai about a week and a half ago with two of my friends i met at RSO. first we went to delhi and stayed for about three days then we went to Aligar for a day and then Agra to see the taj mahal. and it was awesome! from there we went to Jaujor and stayed three days, and who ever said jaupor has the best shopping hasn't been there in a long time. we had to to go back to delhi to catch a flight to mumbai so we sleep on the floor of the airport so we would have to get a hotel. one of the girls just went back to chennia but Nicole and i went on the mumbai. oh my gosh mumbia is beautiful! ( i was imagining something from slum dog millionaire) and then we got on a 26 hour bus ride to who knows where to stay at the ashram that i am currant at right now. It was started by gandhi. so ill let you know how the week goes. and ill put up pictures, i just cant right now because I'm at an Internet cafe and i have to get back to the ashram so i can meditate.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

This is Sanjay, he is six years old and in kindergarten, he's an artist. today he drew a picture of me and its super! (in India everything is super not awesome) he has also done some self portraits, (one of them is shown here on the left) he likes to draw everything anatomically correct... sort of. please observe

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Well i made it to India. and guess what else... no traffic rules! so driving is really fun... and plus everyone likes to almost sideswipe everything especially people and the little three wheeled taxies. i think its a game. and all the scooters and motorcycle drivers carry at least 2 to 6 passengers.Check Spelling

Monday, August 31, 2009

I'm really good a catching flies in my hand. so the other night my sister Kristal had a barbecue, so i went and it was really late and the food had been sitting out all night. then i ate tons of potato salad, it still felt kind of cold so i thought it was fine. and it wasn't. later that night i was just trying to go to sleep and didn't feel very good and then this stupid fly keep on flying around and making me crazy. so i put my hand up in the air and watched the fly for a second and then grabbed that sucker right out of the air WITH MY HAND!! but i was still feeling sick and went and threw up, twice. But then i felt totally fine. so i was just trying to go to sleep again and there was another fly!! so i watched it for a second and then BAM! i got that one too! with only the light of my laptop!!! do you realize what I'm saying?!! i didn't feel human!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pamella here

So you remember my friend Pamella right? well a few weeks ago i was just hanging out at a little place i like to call DI minding my own business looking at the shoes.when out of nowhere i hear this voice say... "Pamella here" and i stopped dead in my tracks. so i look over a few feet and who do you think i saw? Yes it was her. so i whip out my phone and text Anna and drew telling them i found our best friend. naturally i discreetly fallow her, she was on a long distance call with her brother in Florida, i know this because she told one of the DI workers. then this guy from my art class that i used to go to came up to me and said hi. he was getting a canvas that someone painted on a little, he told me that he was just going to paint over it. So then Pamella hangs up the phone and walks over to us and tells us that she is an artist herself, and that she doesn't like painting over other peoples art because she feels like there is something there. and i said that's nice, and then everyone went their separate ways. but a few minutes later i was looking at the shirts and Pamella was looking at the shirts and she asked me if i painted over peoples art. i told her no, and that I'm more into portraits with charcoal. and then she asked if i wanted to see some of her paintings on her phone. and she showed me some sweet landscape paintings of hers. she told me i was really smart because i knew what a grotto was. then she told me that her real talent was in singing and playing the guitar (but she didn't sing anything for me) then she told me that she gets shirts from all over the world at DI and she really likes tigers on her shirts and how she hates wolves because they kill people (but i guess tigers don't) and then i went home the end.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

So yesterday i went skydiving with some friends. the first time you go you have to have some creeper strapped to your back. but my instructor was pretty cool, short, which made me a little worried -if you haven't heard my theory on short people it goes like this... they cant be trusted-. I'd show you the video of it but i didn't get one because they run about $90 bucks and that's why i didn't get one. we went up about 13,000 feet and then they opened the door, make you curl up in a little ball with your toes hanging off the edge, then you sway back and forth before you get slingshotted out the door. so i was just flying through the air like a bird and it was so great. If you haven't been i would highly recommend it its not even scary just super AWESOME!

Friday, June 26, 2009

My new friend Pamela

About a month ago my friends Drew and Anna and i, went to the wetlands to celebrate senior sluff day. we were just eating chips and salsa and catching pollywog minding our own business, when drew said we should name the pollywog 'ugly' then out of no where this women (Pamela) said "pollywog's are beautiful!" We all thought she was just joking but we soon came to find out that Pamela have a very strong opinion about EVERYTHING and you cant tell her otherwise. So a few minutes passed and then she asked us where are got our salsa and Anna told her Joe Bandito's. Then Pamela said: "They have the best salsa in Utah i know because i have been a waitress almost everywhere around here." Then she went on to tell us that if you filled up the BYU stadium, that is about how many people she has served in her life so she knows people. Then Pamela introduced us to her son, his wife and their little boy. She told us that her grandsons name was Deon Moses.
Pamela: "Don't you like that name? my name is just Pamela."
Me: "you could always change your name."
Pamela: "And what would i change my name to?"
Me: "you could spell it backwards."
Pamela: "Well i really like names that end in "a" like Pamela and Utah."
Anna: "i like the name indigo"
Pamela: "Isn't that like a band?"
Anna: "the indigo girls?"
Pamela: "they are just a bunch a Lezo's"
(for those of you not up to date on the homosexual slag "lezo" = Lesbian)
Pamela: "I cant stand gays, every time i meet one i say aren't you glad your patents aren't like you? and they just walk away starching their head, Duh!"
Pamela: "They are the Best tippers, them and the Hawaiians. The worst tippers are Native Americans and Canadians."
Me: "Drew is Canadian"
Pamela: "When a native American tips you, you'll just be chancing them out to the parking lot throwing the change they gave you at them. they are just always looking for handouts, you don't see the Jews out looking for handouts"

I cant remember what else she said about all the people she hates, but she did continue on about how she thinks Canadians are so awful, right in front of drew. we don't think she really cared. Then i caught another pollywog and Pamela Demanded that i let her grandson hold it before i put it in the bucket. So i handed it to the little two year old and as soon as i did he chucked it right back in the pound. Then Pamela told us that her son and daughter-in-law were going to have a baby and she told me to ask them what they were going to name it. So i said to Pamela "what are they going to name it?" and Pamela Said "Ask them!" so i did and she told me if its a boy it was going to be some bible name that i cant remember, i don't remember the girls name either. Then Pamela and her family left. So we went to my sister kristals apartment and put the pollywogs in bottom of the drained pool, there was a little puddle there so they liked it.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Life so far

I have been told to start a blog for quite some time now, but with my sister blogging about everything that ever happens to me, i thought we would have the exact same blog. i thought i would catch you up as to what has happened in my life thus far... Today was my first day back at Seven Peaks water park, i guarded there the passed 2 summers. And the one summer i don't go back i cant find a job! But its not that bad, i really like being tan.
I was a swimmer in high school and the year they let me be captain was the year the school decided not to put the girls team in the winter sports acknowledgement assembly. So being a hood rat and feeling responsible for my girls i had to do something. The night we found out we weren't in the assembly was the same night as regions dinner, so we started plotting. Then all at once i had an Epiphany and said, If they're not going to put us in, we'll put ourselves in!! so we did. and the next day the girls team meet in the locker room during the assembly, changed into our race suits and lined up behind the door to the gym (where the assembly was). Some of the girls started to get chicken because swim suits a definitely not allowed at school and we have a lot of control freaks in that place. Then it was now or ever and we went for it! Unannounced, in front of the whole school, leading the way, we streaked right through that assembly.