Monday, August 31, 2009

I'm really good a catching flies in my hand. so the other night my sister Kristal had a barbecue, so i went and it was really late and the food had been sitting out all night. then i ate tons of potato salad, it still felt kind of cold so i thought it was fine. and it wasn't. later that night i was just trying to go to sleep and didn't feel very good and then this stupid fly keep on flying around and making me crazy. so i put my hand up in the air and watched the fly for a second and then grabbed that sucker right out of the air WITH MY HAND!! but i was still feeling sick and went and threw up, twice. But then i felt totally fine. so i was just trying to go to sleep again and there was another fly!! so i watched it for a second and then BAM! i got that one too! with only the light of my laptop!!! do you realize what I'm saying?!! i didn't feel human!

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