Sunday, May 16, 2010
Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Kristal "its 5:45 in the pm. time to get our ping pong on"
Me "you have a table?"
Kristal "no, but the school has very many"
Me- something about "boy in the plastic bubble"
Kristal- something about Birttnay murphy died
Me- something about micheal jackson
Kristal "we'll be back when we have finished dominating some locals in thier national sport"
Saturday, March 6, 2010
So i got a gym pass and this one day i was in an aerobics class and the teacher got real mad at me because my shoes were dirty. and i know what you are thinks -annie how could you posibly know that that was why he was mad at you? you dont even speak italian.- well i asked myself the same question. and even if i did speak itailian how could you hear him over the loud music in the middle of an aerobics class? becuause through the art of mime he was showing me that my shoes where dirty and he keep yelling at me in Italian, and that i was in trouble.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Hi fellas!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
this job is sucking my will to LIVE!
I had the WORST job in the wold! how it all started... Susan: annie why don't you get a temp job for December.
Me: ok i want to work at the fabric store! (didn't get the job)
Susan: go the Kelly services they find people jobs
Me: ok (went in, filled out a novel about myself) they send me to a call center. -1st red flag.
My first day of work. listening to the training on how to answer the phones, i couldn't even pay attentions because i was to preoccupied by my own suicidal thoughts -2nd red flag -trying to think of anyway i could get out of there- ps i job started at 6am!!! -3nd red flag
So im going to work everyday just sitting in a windowless room - 4rd rd flag and answering calls for people that are losing their home (super angry people or worse they're crying) - 5rd red flag
ps I HAD TO WORK ON CHRISTMAS at 6 am!!! - 6th and 7th red flag
I have never even had a job inside! so sitting inside all day not being able to move is the worst! -8th red flag
So one day i snapped.(about a week and a half into it) I was just driving to work at 5 30am. and i got on the freeway... the wrong way. and just keep driving and driving. i thought i would just drive to st. George because its a little warmer down there. but when i got there at 9 o'clock everything was closed and had nothing to do, so i just keep driving and ended up in las Vegas. stumbled across my favorite thrift store, a little place i like to call Buffalo exchange. found a sweet fringe vest and then drove around a bit more and went home. at about 5 o'clock my mom called me and said "where are you?" i said "Fillmore" she said " you went to st. George?" i said "no, Las Vegas" she said that driving to las vegas on your own and not telling anyone where you're going is not allowed. I told her i wouldn't have to do such things if i didn't have a job that sucked my will to live.
And that was the day i quit.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
i have cat like speed reflexes
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Indian wedding
Thursday, October 15, 2009
It got crazy at the ashram!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009